There are places where time passes only lightly. Places that refuse to change, where customs remain the same as they were fifteen years ago, fifty years ago. The echo lingers in the air, refusing to fully disappear. Nobody seems to mind.

Pepa y Alan, Valdepeñas 2024

Archaeology and folklore seek fossils that survive inexplicably unchanged; they aren’t interested in our spaces, which are the ordinary backdrops for routines that endure as constants and not as anachronisms.

Habit is both custom and garment. Just as today’s space becomes tomorrow’s, today’s garment can endure as tomorrow’s, provided it achieves two things: adapting to the wearer’s changing needs and resisting the pull of immediate trend, standing outside the rush.

Like dirt paths, nameless cellars, and weathered alleyways.

For our VERSE CUATRO, Santi and Sofía went with Alan to Valdepeñas, Sofía’s pueblo in the heart of La Mancha. There, they photographed the JARAMAGO ECLIPSE, the JARRAMPLAS ENEBRO, and the BERLANGA ENEBRO in Sofía’s grandparents’ cercao, at Pepa’s house, and on red dirt roads. The friendship between Alan and Pepa (Sofía’s grandmother) best represents the continuity over time that we wanted to capture.

Photographer — Santi Otálora
Creative Direction — Valdepenas
Stylist — Clara Fanlo
Talent — Alan and Pepa